Wednesday Seminar: Rod Stiefvater on California pistachios

Man next to plant

Event Date

PES 3001

Mr. Rodney Stiefvater is a long-time California pistachio grower who will tell the story of pistachios in the state. His talk will feature opportunities in agriculture for graduates in the plant sciences.

An older man wearing glasses and smiling.
Rodney Stiefvater, a long-time leader in California's pistachio industry.

Stiefvater is a northern California native and has farmed pistachios since the mid-1980s. His background includes an undergraduate degree from California State University, Chico, and a master's degree in finance from the University of California, Los Angeles. He believes in the value of the research and the work that people are doing in California's college and university systems. 

Stiefvater's long career in the tree nut industry includes wide experience in many aspects of pistachio production, ranging from on-farm cultural activities to processing plant operations. He has been active with the California Pistachio Research Board, has supported various research projects and has sponsored other industry activities. He has traveled to both Iran and Australia to observe the international pistachio industry.

The total economic impact of California pistachio industry was estimated at nearly $6.4 billion yearly. That figure includes spending for goods and services, jobs created, labor income and contributions from indirect business taxes, according to a study commissioned by the American Pistachio growers and released in 2023. That figure also includes an estimated $3.5 billion spent by growers and processors on farming operations.

Stiefvater also has served on water boards in several parts of the state and remains active in the water community. He is committed to growing the pistachio industry through research, and he takes special interest in the development of new rootstock and scion varietals.

Stiefvater is hosted by Louise Ferguson, a professor of Cooperative Extension in the UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences. 

During this very special event, we'll have coffee, fruit and snacks. Graduate students can get credit for PLS 190 - be sure to sign the sign-in sheet at the table as you come in!

This is part of our Wednesday Seminar series, held (almost) every Wednesday at noon during the school year. All are welcome! Enjoy the company of other folks interested in all things plants. Ask questions at the end, and network with faculty and students.

Can't make it? Contact us for the Zoom link: