Position Title
Professor of Cooperative Extension
- Faculty
- Academic lead of field
UC Davis, One Shields Ave, Davis CA 95616
- Ph.D., University of Idaho; Plant Sciences/Weed Science, 2004
- M.S., University of Idaho; Plant Sciences/Weed Science, 1999
- B.S., Iowa State University; Agricultural Studies/Agronomy, 1996
Research interests and expertise:
My research skills and interests are oriented to using field-based research to reduce the impact of weeds on cropping system productivity. I seek integrated approaches to weed management using chemical, cultural, biological/cultural, and physical manipulations of the cropping system. I often use laboratory and greenhouse research in support of my field program in order to explore the fundamental questions that arise during the research process. As a Cooperative Extension Specialist, the research in my program often is done in collaboration with farmers, farm advisors, faculty, and other specialists in order to effectively and efficiently serve the statewide perennial crop industries.
Current projects:
- Summary:
- Chemical and non-chemical weed control in orchard and vineyard crops
- Herbicide-resistant weeds
- Herbicide fate, physiology, and crop injury
- UC Davis IR-4 Field Research Center
Outreach and Extension:
One of my program goals is to have a clear and strong linkage between my extension and research efforts. Results and experience obtained by conducting basic and applied research helps my cooperative extension colleagues and I address the needs of growers land managers. Likewise, questions and issues raised by our grower and industry partners helps us design research projects that address real-world needs in the state. Some examples of extension activities include:
- Each year, my team delivers dozens of in-person presentations at events such as seminars or field days organized by UCCE Farm Advisors or our industry partners.
- We contribute to online and printed extension materials through venues such as:
- Weed Research and Information Center
- UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Center
- UC Weed Science blog etc.
- I also routinely interact directly with local UC farm advisors, regulatory personnel, and other professionals to help address more site-specific weed management issues
External activities that contribute to scholarship:
- Associate Editor, Weed Technology
Prizes, Awards, Honors
- Outstanding New Academic, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2016
- Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist, Weed Science Society of America, 2014
- Award of Excellence, California Weed Science Society, 2014
- Outstanding Weed Scientist, Early Career, Western Society of Weed Science, 2011
Social media links:
- Weed science
- Herbicides
- Herbicide resistance
- Weed biology
- Pesticides