Position Title
Associate Professor of Teaching in International Agricultural Development
- Faculty
- Ph.D., University of California, Davis; Education, 2018
- M.S., Colorado State University; Plant Pathology and Weed Science, 2007
- B.S., University of Idaho; Agricultural Education, 1997
Research interests and expertise:
The goals of my research program are to improve the uptake of agricultural technologies for marginalized groups and improve student and trainee learning through novel pedagogies. My team and I are aiming to dismantle the constant cycle of poverty that traps marginalized groups (women and girls, indigenous peoples, people living with a disability, people of lower castes, refugees, nomadic peoples, and sexual minorities). To do so, we aim to (1) understand marginalized people better, (2) understand development program and technology adoption better, and (3) understand pedagogy better.
Current projects:
- Crump, A. & Rana, T. (2023-2026). Empowering and Innovative Designing for Protecting Nutrient Dense Food: Rural Market Development, Food Systems for Nutrition Innovation Lab. $876,168 - https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/news/crump-nepal-fsnil
- Brummer, C.E., …, & Crump, A. Extending the Scope of SCOPE: Sharing tools and expanding partnerships for organic cultivar development. USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA). $1,999,963 - https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/news/SCOPE-OREI-grant
- Gutiérrez Mengual, L. & Crump, A. (2023-2024). Cacao Innovation Rural Youth Lab: Instilling global values through shared agricultural activities. Partnership of the Americas. $25,000 - https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/news/crump-vergara-colombia-cacao and https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/news/crump-cacao-colombia
- Crump, A., Zepeda, A.M., & Molina-Rosales, D. (2023-2025). Food Security and Compounded Disaster Resiliency in a Community Kitchen in Merida, Mexico. Global Affairs. $7296 - https://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/news/crump-zepeda-win-grant-sustainability-mexico
- Jarvis-Shean, K., Crump, A., & Getz, C. (2022-2025). Increasing California Specialty Crop Competitiveness by Understanding and Addressing Farmworker Technical Training Priorities. California Department of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant. $484,352
Selected previous projects:
- USAID Advancing Nutrition - https://www.advancingnutrition.org/
- Next Generation Nitrogen Management Training for Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) - http://ciwr.ucanr.edu/nitrogenmanagement/
- Podcasts, Platforms, and the Power of Words
- Gender-Lensed Curricula for Development - https://genderlensed.tamu.edu/
Current teaching:
- Introduction to International Agricultural Development; IAD 10 (fall quarters)
- Social Change and Agricultural Development; IAD 103 (odd spring quarters)
- Program Development for International Agriculture; IAD 170 (winter quarters)
- "Just" Coffee; PLS 007V (all quarters)
- Philosophy and Practice of Agricultural Development; IAD 200N (fall quarters)
- Project Planning and Evaluation; IAD 203N (winter quarters)
- Extension, Outreach and Science Communication; PLS 240 (spring quarters)
- Kat Bailey, M.S. in Community Development
- Sooyoung Choi, M.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Megan Gash, Ph.D. in Geography
- Alexa Gonzalez, B.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Nyah Mallak, M.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Katelyn Mann, M.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Micah Metts-Houston, M.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Isha Poudel, M.S. in International Agricultural Development
- Tatiana Sierra, Ph.D. in Geography
- Robert Woodke, Ph.D. in Geography
- Ana Zepeda, Ph.D. in Geography
- Xiwen Zhang, Ph.D. in Geography
Outreach and Extension:
I work with agricultural extension educators in low-income countries to increase their successfulness of incorporating gender equity and nutrition into their extension programs. I serve as the UC Davis Core Faculty Member for the California Agricultural Leadership Program.
External activities that contribute to scholarship:
- International Agricultural Development Undergraduate Program, Lead Faculty Advisor
- International Agricultural Development Graduate Group, Executive Committee
- Rural Sociological Society, Ethics Chair
Prizes, Awards, Honors
- 2020 Western Region Award for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences new teacher category
- Distinguished Speaker, Virginia Tech Women and Gender Studies Discussion Series; “Unintended Consequences: Strategies to Limit Gender-based Violence in International Agricultural Development”; 2017
- Distinguished Service Award Recipient, Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development, 2015
- Outstanding Young Professional, Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development, 2010
Social media links:
- International agricultural development
- Non-formal education
- Adult education
- Gender equity
- Nutrition
- Vulnerable populations
Dr. Amanda Crump is Associate Professor in International Agricultural Development at University of California, Davis. Her research focuses on the impacts of compounding disasters on vulnerable farmers. She and her research team work to create greater understanding of the constraints faced by vulnerable people who are involved in agriculture, research better strategies to increase the uptake of agricultural technologies by vulnerable groups, and develop better teaching strategies that increase critical thinking skills for U.S. university students who will become development practitioners and for farmers who engage in agricultural extension activities. Dr. Crump has managed over $40 million in international and domestic agricultural research projects and her mentees now work as gender equity specialists, program managers and evaluators throughout the world. She earned a PhD from University of California, Davis, a M.S. degree from Colorado State University, and a B.S. from the University of Idaho. Originally from a farm, Amanda spends her free time listening to music and playing with her dog Sam.